CSIRO Energy Rating Tool Study – Homeowner Consent Agreement

Thank you for your interest in our Energy Rating Tool Study. 

A Nathers Energy Rating of your home is a measure of the energy required to heat and cool your home to a comfortable level. Sustainability Victoria estimates that going up just one star from six to seven can reduce household heating by 30%.  

Whilst there is information and tools available to assess new homes, there isn’t an established standard for existing homes. 

This study will investigate how two tools; one based on Augmented reality and one based on Machine Learning might fill this gap and be a way to better understand how efficient our homes are. 

What does participation involve? 

Your participation involves granting access to a Property Valuer to perform an assessment on your home. This assessment takes approximately one to two hours and requires the valuers record floor plan details and construction material details of your home using an tablet.  

There will no cost to the homeowner and if you opt in via your valuer an estimate of your homes star rating will be provided to you.

Sounds interesting, what are the next steps? 

If you would like to register your interest, then download and read the Research Participation Information Sheet. This will provide information on participation, and contact details for the research team if you have questions.  

We also request that you review the Privacy Statement which outlines how your personal information is protected.

Once you have read the information sheet, fill in your details below and submit! We will review your eligibility and if successful will be in contact to organise a date for the test. 


Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme
Supported by data from the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) www.nathers.gov.au