Australian Housing Data

Welcome to the Australian Housing Data portal

Nationwide house energy rating scheme logoThese dashboards have been developed by CSIRO to help all stakeholders gain greater understanding of our progress towards energy efficient, low emission dwellings and suburbs.  The dashboards mainly utilise data gathered from the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme’s Universal Certificates.  A Universal Certificate is the assessment pathway that the majority of new dwellings in Australia use to comply with the energy efficiency requirements in Australia’s National Construction Code.  Around 130,000 certificates are added to our database each year, and these dashboards are updated monthly.

Select State or Territory and dwelling type below to see the average results in that area for the last 12 months. The construction systems are the dominant ones utilised and the area is the total internal area of the dwelling (excluding the garage).

Star Rating 6.5
Roof Metal
Walls Brick Veneer
Floor Waffle Pod
Area m2 165
Dwellings 115,487
Star Rating 6.9
Roof Metal
Walls Brick Veneer
Floor Waffle Pod
Area m2 179
Dwellings 902
Sustainability Victoria Energy Inspection
Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme
Supported by data from the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS)