CSIRO Energy Rating Tool Study- Research Participant Information Sheet

Energy Rating Tools Trial

Project overview

A Nathers Energy Rating of your home is a measure of the energy required to heat and cool your home to a comfortable level. Sustainability Victoria estimates that going up just one star from six to seven can reduce household heating by 30%. Whilst there is information and tools available to assess new homes, there isn’t an established standard for existing homes.

What does participation involve?

Your participation involves granting access to a Property Valuer to perform an assessment on your home. This assessment takes approximately one to two hours and requires the valuers record floor plan details and construction material details of your home using a tablet.

There will be no cost to the homeowner and an estimate of your home’s star rating will be provided.

Risks and benefits

Aside from giving up your time, there are no foreseeable risks associated with participating in this study. You will be contributing to the development of tools that will help improve Australian homes and aid us in our mission to Net Zero Emissions. For those interested, you may opt in to be provided with the tools estimate of your home’s Thermal Performance (NatHERS Rating). This can be done by informing your valuer that you’d like to receive your result. It is important to note as these tools are in development, any results are estimates and is not a substitute for a complete Nathers Ratings.

Withdrawal from the research project

Participation in this project is completely voluntary and you do not have to take part. Your decision whether to participate will not affect your current or future relationship with the researchers or anyone else at CSIRO. If you wish to withdraw during this project, simply notify the researchers listed below and your data will be destroyed. You may withdraw from this project at any time up until publication of the final outputs.


All information provided by you will be treated confidentially. Any personal information collected will not be included in any publications resulting from the project. Any data collected as part of this project will be securely stored as per CSIRO’s Recordkeeping Procedure.

How will my information be used?

The data obtained through the project will be utilised to refine and validate two energy rating tools. This will help CSIRO researchers and developers establish a new standard for identifying and addressing the thermal performance of Australia’s housing stock. The aggregated data will be used in publications on the outcome of the project and may be used as part of future related research projects. De-identified data may also be shared with other researchers when requested, but only when approved by CSIRO. Your individual data will not be made publicly available.

Ethics clearance and contacts

This project has been approved by CSIRO’s Social Science Human Research Ethics Committee in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (Updated 2018). If you have any questions concerning your participation in the project please contact the researchers via their contact details provided. Alternatively, any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this project can be raised with the Executive Manager of Social Responsibility and Ethics on +61 7 3833 5693 or by email at csshrec@csiro.au.

For more information

Lachlan Cheers                                                                                 Anthony Wright

Project Leader                                                                                   Research Leader

CSIRO Energy                                                                                     CSIRO Energy

Private Bag 10                                                                                    Private Bag 10

Clayton Sth VIC 3169                                                                       Clayton Sth VIC 3169

Ph: 04 38243377                                                                                Ph: (03) 9662 7349

Email: lachlan.cheers@csiro.au                                                  Email: anthony.wright@csiro.au

Thank you for taking the time to help with this research project. Please keep this sheet for your information.

Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme
Supported by data from the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) www.nathers.gov.au