November 7, 2019
Since the launch of the AHD portal, we have had 3000 people visit the site and received lots of positive feedback, so if you have not had a chance to have a look why not do so at
We have also added some additional dashboards since the launch. These include:
Postcode dashboard – See the star rating distribution and floor area distribution for a specific postcode.
Building Class dashboard – See the number and percentage of certificates by State and Territory for each building class and the average star rating by class.
Insulation dashboards – Details on insulation in ceilings, walls, floors and roof.
NatHERS certificates vs ABS building approvals – See how certificate numbers compare with ABS building approvals data for each month for each State and Territory. This gives an indication of how much NatHERS is used as the pathway for complying with the NCC energy efficiency requirements.
Typical house energy use – A series of dashboards developed from data gathered as part of the Residential Building Energy Efficiency study undertaken by CSIRO for the Australian Government in 2012/13. 209 households had detailed energy monitoring undertaken and these summary dashboards give an insight into typical usage patterns of households.

RBEE Data Dashboard