Successful Australian Residential Energy Rating conference 2018

June 10, 2018

“An excellent wide range of topics and fantastically organised”  “Organised, topical and well run. Very impressed.”

Just two of the feedback responses from more than 280 people who participated in the inaugural Australian Residential Energy Rating conference. Held at the MCG with over 70 persons from around the country participating by webcast and over 200 in person, the conference was a resounding success. The conference brought together a wide range of participants and presenters from across the building industry to discuss the future of energy rating from the widest perspective.  The drivers of international responsibilities, energy poverty alleviation and health set the scene for discussion on existing and new tools, regulations and future regulatory options.  Exemplar residential buildings and development proved to be a very popular session showing how highly efficient dwellings are being delivered. Webcast participants could engage in the Q&A sessions using the conference app and on site participants availed themselves of a multitude of networking opportunities.

Sid Thoo reported on the conference in The Fifth Estate.

CSIRO are planning to hold this conference as a biennial event, so look out for it in 2020.

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Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme
Supported by data from the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS)